It’s almost time for the Most Wonderful Beer of the Year! On October 7, everyone’s favorite holiday scamp returns to beer shelves to ring in the season. You know who we’re taking about, right?

Of course you do. It’s The Mad Elf, that’s who!

Since the very first batch, our beloved holiday ale has been a wild ride. Back in the fall of 2002 — in the days when our founding brothers Chris and John were busy brewing, cleaning, bartending, giving tours on weekends, and in between all that making sales calls up and down central Pennsylvania – they hatched a plan to have a little holiday fun.

They decided to brew a big, bold Belgian-style ale made with cherries and honey. LOTS of cherries and loads of honey. They were all in on this beer, but one question came up: Just where do we get 300 pounds of honey?

At that point in their lives, their experience with honey had been limited to those little bears you get at the grocery store. Three hundred pounds, in the words of John, seemed like a “sh*t ton.”

Well, as luck would have it, they found a guy in Carlisle, PA, only 30 miles from the brewery, who calls himself The Happy Beekeeper. The Happy Beekeeper not only keeps bees himself, but he sources from other small Pennsylvania beekeepers. He got the 300 pounds for the very first batch of Mad Elf. And maybe more importantly, Chris and John got an education in honey.

The brothers decided to really dig in and do some research on this sticky, sweet ingredient, so they visited several home-brew shops and beekeepers all across central Pennsylvania. It didn’t take very long for them to learn just how much time and effort went into every pound. “It was mesmerizing and astonishing,” says John.

They also got to taste different varieties of honey like clover, wildflower, and locust. And they were able to discover first-hand how that sweet, floral wildflower honey helped brighten the sweet and sour cherries and Belgian strong ale base.

Of course, our priority is buying the best ingredients in the world. A lot of times that means Germany or England or the Pacific Northwest. But sometimes we get lucky and find exactly what we’re looking for right here in our backyard. Today, we still buy all of our honey for Mad Elf from The Happy Beekeeper, and that 300-pounds has increased to 25,000 pounds a year. Happy beekeeper, indeed.

But honey isn’t the only ingredient that makes Mad Elf special. Five varieties of tree-ripened cherries help ring in the celebration. Bing, Lambert, Van, and Royal Ann contribute a bright and juicy sweetness, while Montmorency adds a touch of tartness. The combination of honey and cherries – paired with chocolate malt and a spicy Belgian yeast strain – make Mad Elf taste like the holidays in a glass.

Over the years, Mad Elf has become a tradition for friends and fans to share during the holidays, and we think it has a place on every table and under every tree this season.

Soon, you can grab your share of this holiday icon at the brewery or use our Brew Finder to snag 12-oz. bottles and cans in parts of Pennsylvania. Look for Mad Elf everywhere else our beer is sold over the next few weeks. And be sure to watch for Mad Elf on draft at your favorite tap room, bar, or restaurant in the near future…because it’s not the holidays until you’ve had your first Mad Elf!